Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a Xmas wedding cartoon animation

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas. Here its a special wedding cartoon animation for Xmas holiday season. Enjoy

Friday, December 11, 2009

2D Wedding cartoon part 4

This is the final part of the animation. Enjoy the show.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More photo on Xmas wedding cartoon animation...

More photo...

Merry Xmas

We would like to make an early greeting, Merry Xmas.

Here its some of the snap shot for upcoming wedding cartoon animation on Xmas.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

wedding cartoon part 3

This is the continue animation for the wedding cartoon using cartoonist facial expression.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wedding animation, part 1 (cartoonist face)

Part 1 of 4; wedding cartoon animation, using cartoon facial expression. We now providing customizing story, with your facial expression drawn in cartoon.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Children Karaoke Songs

Here its few more preview of the children karaoke song we have done.

You are my sunshine




Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wedding Cartoon Animation with cartoon facial expression

This is the screen shot of the animation. We are currently developing another method for the wedding cartoon animation. Rather then using the actual facial expression, we turn into cartoon facial expression.

Children Karaoke Songs

As promise, this is the short video clip on some of the children karaoke songs we did.

This Old Man.

This is part of the project for Innoform. They provide us with the songs and lyrics. We create the character, cartoon animation in 2D and also the karaoke lyrics.

The songs come in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. And right now, available in major leading video store such as MPH, Borders, Popular, Speedy Video, Jusco and etc.

So far as we inform, the DVD are available in Malaysia and Singapore, soon to oversea such as Hong Kong.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Innoform - Sing Along Karaoke

We just complete the whole project for Innoform. A Sing Along Karaoke for children. Mostly are children songs, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. The DVD being selling in most major music store such as Popular, Borders, MPH, Jusco, Speedy video and others.

We create the character and animation. All songs are provided by Innoform.

Monday, November 16, 2009

cartoon facial expression cont...

And we just finish up the guy facial expression in cartoon illustration. The team are now on the way preparing the cartoon for wedding cartoon animation using cartoon facial expression.

cartoon facial expression

We have come out our first sample for facial expression in cartoon illustration. This is the girl facial expression, and the guy facial expression will come in soon.

We found out its very difficult to illustrate as the end result might not be the same as the actual person. But due to demand, we need to expand to this possibilities.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wedding Cartoon animation for George & Ratna

This is the wedding cartoon animation for Geroge and Ratna.

fully cartoonist for wedding cartoon animation?

We got so many request to have the wedding cartoon animation to be fully done in cartoon, especially the couple facial expression. 

So, we think to get it a shoot. Right now we are preparing the sample and draw out a sample facial expression in cartoon style. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Laksali cartoon, character introduction

Laksali; the name came from the word "laksa" (one type of famous food from Penang, malaysia) and "ali" (a common name  we call for the stall owner which its an indian or mix malay).

The cartoon features 4 babies; Lax, Blanket, Qball & Sally with an alien; Mush. The story its about the adventure created by this babies imagination.

Lax; the leader of the babies. The cool one.
Blanket, the smallest of them all. Small, yet the most clever of all.
Qball, happy go lucky, and always hungry.
Sally, the cutest of them all.
Mush, alien baby which always trying to find a way to get back to his home planet.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

wedding cartoon animation package

- You will choose from our existing storyline
- One complete cartoon animation will have 4 parts
- Part 1 : This part tell the story how guy meet the girl
- Part 2 : This part show how the couple fall in love and get together
- Part 3 : The love story and journey of the couple
- Part 4 : This part tell the story how the guy propose to the girl
- Select one video from each part to make a complete wedding cartoon animation
- Then send us your facial expression
- Choose the songs/ music you like, then send to us also
- The animation duration its around 3 -4 minutes
- Production will take around 1 month upon receiving the complete facial expression and music

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Facial Expression

This is the sample facial expression we needed in order to use it for the wedding cartoon animation. During the photo shooting, we would prefer the photo are snap in plain background such as white wall. And make sure you wear plain cloth. Oh ya... also snap the whole face, from hail to neck.

From Facial Expression
Would like to thanks Ratna and George for the facial model.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More sample... more choice

One sample is for sure not enough. We need more sample, so that the customer can choose from different storyline. It took us a while to come out more sample.

Here its additional sample.

Faster and Cheaper solutions for wedding cartoon

Fully customize wedding cartoon animation its not a solutions. We found out it take too much time to develop and eventually will cost more.

Then come the idea of template storyline. What if we could come out an interesting storyline, and keep re-issue it. For the facial, instead of drawing, we use the real actual couple face and expression.

The first prototype for this were Kah Lee and Mindy wedding cartoon animation.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Wedding Cartoon Animation

On beginning on the year, we were ask by one of our friend to create an animation telling the story of his love life with her wife. And he would like to project it during the dinner.

Since we have the experience and skill on animating cartoon, and also our best friend, so we think its a good idea and also as wedding gift.

Customizing the cartoon and animation does take too much time. Took us almost 2 months to complete the animation. The whole cartoon animation were done in 2D including the facial expression.

Here its the wedding cartoon animation for Jeslin and Chee

Friday, September 11, 2009

wat are we?

welcome to the blog where bunch of animator do their stuff. we are from penang island, malaysia... and we create cartoon and animation.

we create cartoon for children karaoke, educational content and learning materials, cartoon series, wedding cartoon animation and anything you can think off... which must have to do with cartoon!

at the moment, we focus more on 2D cartoon and animation. so here... its all the work and wat we do. enjoy.